'23 and Me

This year was not what I had in mind. In many ways, it surprised and delighted me. In many ways, it was harder than I anticipated. For one, I was pregnant for most of 2023, which isn’t always fun. But, I suppose the biggest theme for me this year was “progress”.

Looking over my 2023 intentions and vision board, there aren’t many things I can cross off. We didn’t sell our house like I had wanted. I didn’t finish a lot of the projects I started. I still haven’t figured out where I want to live long-term. I’m 15 pounds off my goal weight. I still rage and have anxiety.

But, I’ve made progress. And, I’ve had way fewer anxiety attacks and rage episodes.

The biggest tangible learning for me this year was how important my relationship is with Steve. If I’m not on the same page with Steve, then it doesn’t matter how happy my kids are or how well I’m doing at work. Steve is my other half, my partner in parenthood, the solar power that our household runs on and without being on good terms with him, it’s hard for me to think about anything else. The health of my marriage permeates into every aspect of my life.

As I look ahead at the new year, there are parts I secretly dread. Bub will turn four, which means he’s that much closer to Kindergarten, that much closer to becoming a teenager. Next year, G will learn to sit up on her own, eat solids, and maybe even walk. Every year, my kids get a little older. Every year, I get a little older.

We don’t plan on traveling in 2024 or making big purchases. In fact, I’ve challenged the family to not purchase any new clothes or any new toys in the new year. It’s our “no buy” year and I’m curious to see how else we find fulfillment. 2024 may sound boring with nothing grand to look forward to, but I’m excited to see how I can find joy in the everyday, the seemingly mundane. I challenge myself to focus on what’s in front of me, to see not the lack but the luck.